Thursday, August 14, 2008

Communication Gap

(August 16, 2008-September 8, 2008)

Opening Reception August 24, 2008 12-5pm
Musical Performance by Judgement Day, Anteatereatant, & a special guest.

When we communicate with other people we are often challenged in many ways. Differences in language, gender, and personal experience, all contribute to our diverse nature of understanding and ways of thinking. We express ourselves through a complex system of interaction. Body language, eye contact, touch, and smell are lost over the Internet, phones, and satellite signals-often resulting in communicative misunderstandings.

With so many ways to reach people in our global environment many of us feel disconnected and isolated within this web of communication gaps. Six artists have contributed work that expresses their frustration or joy in human attempts to communicate.

Closing Reception Friday, September 5th, 2008 7-10pm

ARTISTS: Angie Brown, Crystal Morey, Jake Gabel,
Nancy Bach, Patrick Renner & Amanda Jayne Kennedy

Also Showing in our Artist of the Month Gallery: Work by Amy Martin

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